Saturday, January 15, 2011

New creations...

 So I spent ALL day yesturday working on organizing my craft room or as my wonderfully supportive husband calls it my "crap room" and well I can see the floor and top of my table now.  But what I found a ton of is bits and scraps of fabric that I just can't make myself throw away.  So I took a lesson from my cousin who makes this little rosette hair pins for Etsy ( and made a chic little necklace.  And once I started well I had to keep going.  These necklaces are 100% recycled materials.  Things that would have been thrown away but now have a new purpose. 

So another project that I did today was some scrap art.  I have often wondered what I could do with old ugly canvas paintings that you always find at junk and thrift stores.  You know the ones that used to belong to beginning art students that parents keep until there child leaves the house and then donate them.  I often think of what a waste of money and canvas when I see them.  Well a friend of mine Karen from Amusements ( had this adorable Madonna print that she had decoupaged onto a tiny block of canvas and that gave me a super grand idea.  Why couldn't I just paste over the ugly works of art using old time worn book pages and a photograph?  Well I couldn't leave well enough alone so I also tried another technique that I just learned about.  It's called glue burning or something like that I saw it in a book at the Stampin Cat (located on commercial next to Aunt Bee's House)  You use this as a finish on paper projects that you create.  It gives is a wonderful aged patina.

I thought the Madonna was a little plain so I gave her a cute hair accessory made from recycled scraps.

Thanks for looking today and I'll keep you posted on my upcoming creations this weekend.

Friday, January 14, 2011

A little Insight...

I recenly ran across this quote and I wanted to share it cause it has hit home for me this week.

‎"How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours." - Dr. Wayne Dyer

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Beginning for Girls Back Porch...

So I snuck into the new store the American Country Mercantile for some quick pictures and a chance to gobble up the first deals at this transformation.
The Girl's Back Porch has been transformed in a little more than a week into American Country Mercantile.

Emily Engel a previous vendor of The Girls Back Porch bought the 10 year old business from owners Dawn Davidson and Char Bachle. The soft opening is this month and has a grand opening scheduled for sometime in March.

The store still will offer much of the same inventory as before being handmade furniture, quilts, home decor, and garden accents. There are several new vendors that have taken up residence there at the store.

Hours: 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday to Friday
10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday
8030 Wheatland Road N
Keizer, OR 97303

Phone: (503) 856-8150