Friday, May 31, 2013

Farm Chicks Set-up

Yes it is MIDNIGHT on Thursday the day before set up for my 3rd year at Farm Chicks.  Every year I am stressed trying to get my product out the door and onto the floor of the show.  The oh man I forgot this and dawggonnit this got broke thats.  I have a general feeling of how it all will look in the end.  But his year we really planned the details out.  Tent piping, drapes, fabric swathing, matching tablecloths, yummy linens, burlap, and chippy paint goodness.  I'm not sure if I am setting myself up for failure or if being prepared will make it flow a bit more smoothly I just know I've got a beautiful rosy cheeked 5 month old in tow along with her very mature and helpful big brother of 10 that I have to simultaneously watch/entertain/feed and set up with.  Fortunately I have my husband, mother, and as a HUGE bonus my dad that are all going to be there to support me and my little chicks.

So yes I can't sleep as details swirl around in my brain. Well since it's now 12:30 I guess I should probably at least attempt to sleep as I have to get up in 4 1/2 hours.  So until later,

